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Your pictures on the subject of ‘monochrome’

We asked our readers to send their best pictures for the subject of “monochrome”. Here’s a photo option we received from the world.

Martyn Longthorn is a pelican that decreases water from his body as it is about the cameraMartyn Longthorn

Martyn Lovettarn: “a pelikaru built the stone.”

Ian Maghaite and the plants closed in the water linesIan Maggiore

Ian Maggiore: “On the morning of the morning in my backbone.”

Theresa Bennett is a single flower Theresa Bennett

Theresa Bennett: “To help us butter butter, I planted seeds of cosmos and the cost of pink flowers.”

David Belton a carved scalp on the beachDavid Belton

David Beelton: “The Aldeburngh sculptures at the coast of Aldeburgh, the Bundolk. I took this photo on vacation there.”

Sally Eau a black cat walking on the roof of a bright houseSally Eau

Jully Esau: “My house continued to rhodes (Greece) the monochrome product.”

Sean Corlett is an image that stands in the sea at the wave of breaking on the beachSean Corlett

Sean Corlett: “I wanted to check and describe the art in the side of the training, while I go to the picture.”

Phil Norton is near to a ram to the light skyPhil Norton

Phil Norton: “The sheep standing an image near the chatorth (Derby) house.”

The glyn hand is a picture and cameraGlyn hand

Glyn’s hands: “I’m wondering what I photo is like this woman? It is best to compare the two photos.”

Piyusha Paradkar lives in a circle, looking at the cameraPiyuseha paradkar

Piyusha Paradkar: “Kaleidoscope of the family, by light and shadow.”

Sööt clay is a way found above it and people throw long shadows on earthFeed Uku

Sök clay: “The shadow of the shadow to speak true.”

Duncan is a fur in a place outside the restaurant in 1970Duncan Gray

Duncan Gray: “My friend said out of the restaurant at London. The window was installed to the customers to rise out of the easiest way.”

Doris Enders Doris Enders Counted in Arizona MountainsDoris Enders

Doris Enders: “Previous Boards. They were taken in a Mesa bull, Arizona, which looks like a fashion of color.”

Kate Snow closed up the dandelionKate Snow

Kate Snow: “We’ve got the news of those who have children, trying the categories associated with the photo.”

Ludo Macaulay is a man who goes across the Cobbled streetLado Macaulay

Lado Macaulay: “I’m trying some photos of the road in Edinburgh in Edinburgh, and catch this person who goes along the Melville Street.”

Tony Cook is a form that goes before the grave at the churchTony Cook

Tony Cook: “By the daylight in Windows heleford Cathedral made air for the wind.”

Roland goes to close the hand holding a tee on the chess board and time nearRoland Trope

Roland Trope: “On the morning of the morning, I look at the two men. When one of them is moving the Board.”

Evelyn Oakley is a long shadow of hand on a quarter wallEvelyn Oakley

Evelyn Oakley: “I can’t turn the sun’s floor on a white wall and the opportunity to play for the shadow and the monochrome image.”

Emma Warren is close to the cat's face from the sideEmma warren

Emma Warren: “My Monochrome cat sitting in a pan, for one time – even when he looks at his bad time.”

Elena Rikhlin Close-ups of the toilet party gatheredElena Rikhlin

Elena Rikhlin: “My goal is to change parts of the normal restroomIn the art of pasture arts and add the texture, the light, and shadow. “

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