Health and Fitness

5 Tips to remain motivated

Last week of summer form is here !! Whether you have completed all the challenges until half of this week or half of it, it’s time to jump on the inside, be motivated and ended strong. That great prize is waiting for you.)

5 Tips to help you stay on the track in the last week.

1: Put the goal for the last week

Whether it hits your new postout post, or without slipping a hot body food plan, setting a special goal for last week. Write it down and remind yourself to stay focused every day.

2. Don’t compare yourself to others

Everyone’s fitness journey is unique, so avoid comparing your progress. Focus on your own achievements and how far away you came from the beginning of SSU.

3. Stay positive

Positive independent conversation can go a long way to keep you motivated. Remind yourself so far all the hard work and your progress. Encourage yourself to institutions and believe in your ability to complete the challenge.

4. Thin on your reporting group

Your accountability group is available to support you, so don’t be afraid to get to their motivation if you feel you’re driving yourself from your goals. Share your fight, achievements and goals with your LSF Babes, and let them raise you. Knowing that you are not alone in this journey, it is incredibly empowering.

5: Indicate how far you have come

Take time to indicate how far you have come in your fitness journey. Go through all the hard work and dedication you have you have taken over the past week. Treat yourself for a special thing as reward for your devotion and SSU.

This last week of SSU is your chance to complete and show yourself your chance to yourself. Stay motivated, stay positive and don’t give up. You made it 6th week and it’s unbelievable.

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