Health and Fitness

Foam’s best exercises for delay recovery

The foam roll is a tool of cylindrical shaped exercises made for self-employment. It is used to put pressure on the muscles, moving or remain on different parts of the body.

Foam roll is a self-delivered release form that includes pressure to reduce the pain to reduce the pain and speed up the treatment. The science behind the foam rolling stock is based on the idea that mysterious restrictions and trigger points in the muscles can lead to a decrease in pain and movement.

The foam roll can help the muscle tension release and reduce the level of stress, making it after a workout or a long day after the wind.

In this guide you will learn about the benefits of foam rolls, how to use them effectively, foam rolls and foam delay.

How to use foam cylinder?

Using the foam roll, the user positions the targeted muscles at the top of the rolls and their body weight uses. The main technique includes lying on the foam roll and aimed at the muscle target group.

The muscle pressure on the muscles helps to put pressure and stretch muscle fibers, freeing the tension and growing flexibility.

Foam rolls come in different densities, stronger rolls that provide deeper pressure and milder buttermisses that provide milder pressure. This allows users to choose the foam cylinder that corresponds to the desired level of pressure.

Foam rolling equipment

For foam rolls there are several techniques that can help specific target muscle groups and increase the efficiency of exercise. This technique includes:

  1. ROLLING TECHNIQUE (MAIN TECHNIQUE) – Moving a thoughtful muscle group, moving forward for pressure and tension.
  2. Static pressure – Switching to the foam cylinder in a particular muscle area and 30-60 second pressure.
  3. Trigger Point Techniques: – Keeping the foam roll in a certain area of ​​muscle and rolling in that place and moving forward.

Although foam roll can be used for self-employment, they can also be done as heat or brisk routine

The advantages of foam rolls include:

1. Improved flexibility and motion range.

One of the primary advantages of foam rolling is improved flexibility and movement framework. Foam Rolling helps to free strong muscles and fascia, which allows muscles to move freely. This growing flexibility can lead to improvement of sports activities and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Prevention of injuries:

Foam rolls can also prevent injuries by reducing muscle tension and improving flexibility. Strong muscles can be increased on the rising tension on ovens and ligaments, which leads to a lot of risk of injury. To release muscle tension using foam cylinder, you can reduce the risk of injuries such as strains and sprains.

3. Recovery of muscles:

Another benefit of the foam rolling is the recovery of muscle. After workout, muscles can be painful and tired due to the construction of milk academic acid and other waste products. After workout, foam will help increase blood lactose heat, accelerate the tissue treatment and reduce muscle pain, increasing the blood flow of the affected area.

Summing up the foam roll High efficient techniques for improvement of flexibility, improvement of injuries, improvement and recovery of muscles. Including foam in your training mode can help you achieve your fitness goals and maintain common overall health.

When to use foam cylinder

The foam roll can be done at any time of the day, but it is recommended to do so after training when the muscles are warm and more receptive to stretch. The foam roll can also be made for exercise to make muscles before training and reduce the risk of injury.

Who can benefit from the foam movement

The foam roll is especially advantageous for athletes and active individuals who are dealing with recurring movements, have strong muscles or pain, or you want to improve their mobility and flexibility. Anyone can benefit from foam rolling, regardless of their fitness level or age.

Best Foam Rolling for Improved Flexibility and Motion Range


Fraal foam screw exercises

Including foam in your regular exercise can help improve the posture, reduce pain and strengthen sports work.

It is important to breathe deeply and relax while the foam roll and stop if you feel any pain or discomfort.

It is also important to remember that the foam roll should be done with proper technique and only a mild discomfort, as excess pressure can cause further damage to muscles.

1: For the upper back

Foam cylinder on the upper back

SetThaken the tension on the upper back and shoulders.


  • Lie on your back with your upper back foam.
  • Turn your hands on your chest.
  • Return and forward on your upper back, focusing on tight spots.
  • Repeat 30-60 seconds.

2. For Rhomboids

Foam rolls Rhomboids

The goal. Release tensions between shoulder blades in muscles and improve the posture.


  • Lie on your back with foam cylindrical positioned vertical, on your spine, just below your shoulder blades.
  • Switch your hands into your chest.
  • Use your feet to lock side by side, rolling the rolling stock to your shoulders.
  • Repeat 30-60 seconds.

3: For the chest

Foam rolled chest tightening

The goal. Improve flexibility to relieve chest muscle tension and provide a better posture.


  • Place the foam cylindrical horizontal floor.
  • Lie face on the roller in your chest.
  • Get your hands in “Y” position.
  • Roll side by side or back and forward, stopping 20-30 seconds in competition areas.

4. Back to the middle of

Foam cylindrical rear stretch

The goal. Relieve tension in the middle.


  • Lie on your back with a shirt in the middle of your back.
  • Kneel your knees and place your feet flat on the ground.
  • Support your neck with your hands and lift your thighs.
  • Drain and fall down in the middle, stopping tender spots for deep breathing.
  • Repeat 30-60 seconds.

5. For Laters

Foam roll

The goal. Release tense in large rear muscles responsible for shoulder movement.


  • Lie next to you under your armchair.
  • Roll just out of your armchair to your lower back.
  • Stop 15-30 seconds on tender areas.
  • Repeat some of the two sides.

6. For quadrates

Foam rolls

The goal. Raise blood flow and flexibility in the hip muscle.


  • Lie face on your thighs with a foam roll.
  • Use your hands to support your upper body.
  • Roll and down from the top of the knee down from top to bottom.
  • Stop in tight areas and continue for 30-60 seconds.

7. For the IT group

Foam roll (Iliotibial Band)

The goal. Reduce the severity and lighten the pain into the outer hip.


  • Lie next to you, with your hips with foam.
  • Place your upper leg on the ground for support.
  • Rolls along the outer hip from the thigh to the top of the knee.
  • Focus on solid areas for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Note: The foam rolls the IT group. Start with light pressure and gradually grown.

8. For cooks

Foam rolls

The goal. Release the tension on the back of the thighs.


  • Sit on the floor straight and the foam roll under your thighs.
  • Use your hands to raise your muscles off the ground.
  • Roll 30-60 seconds on your hams and move on, focusing on tight spots.

9. For calves

Foam rolls

The goal. Relieve tension and improve flexibility in the lower leg.


  • Sit on the floor to the extended and foam roll under your calves.
  • Raise your arms from the ground.
  • Roll your calves in 30-60 seconds and a break on tight spaces.

10: For gluers

Foam rolls

The goal. Release tense into gluten muscles.


  • Sit with foam roll, one foot cruised on another.
  • Raise your thighs and roll over and forward.
  • Focus on solid areas for 30-60 seconds, then connect the sides.

To avoid common mistakes

Some common mistakes that need to avoid foam rolling include:

  1. Using inappropriate form – Moving or the use of inappropriate techniques can reduce the efficiency of the exercise and increase the risk of injury.
  2. Rolling down the lower back – This exercise is not recommended for an individual damaged or unsteady lumbar spine. Rolling on the lower back can make unnecessary pressure on the spine and increase the risk of injury.
  3. Rolled on the affected areas – Rolling on damaged areas can deepen the injury and delay the treatment process.
  4. Using Foam Roller’s Error Density or Tissue – Using the foam roll, which is too soft or very difficult, it can make exercise more efficiently or cause unnecessary pain. It is important to choose the correct density and texture of the foam rolling foam rolling for your special needs.

Final Thoughts and Consulting

The foam movement can scare for beginners, but it is important to remember that it is a process that takes time and practice. It’s normal to feel some anxiety during the foam rolling, but it should never be painful. If you feel strong pain, you have to stop and ask for advice by a health professional. In addition, it is important to choose the right foam cylinder for your needs and foam portable exercises during practical techniques and shape.

In conclusion, the foam roll is a valuable tool for maintaining common muscle health and flexibility. Following the tips and techniques described in this beginner’s guide, you can include foam rolling on your daily life and feel the many benefits that needed.


  1. The type of foam jacket affects recovery speed, heat response and domer prevention. BootyGo to researchIn the case of
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