Al-Alik Baldowin’s family calls for a salary increase for the second season of The Baldwins

Allek and Hillia Baldowin

Al-Alik Baldowin’s family calls for a salary increase for the second season of The Baldwins

Alle and Hillary Baldowin Children are already applying when they talk about their real TV future.

According to reports, seven children of the couple want more wages before agreeing to shoot a second season of the TLC series. Baldowin’s family.

Allek and Hillia Baldowin

Allek Baldowin makes fun of his children’s negotiations

Hollywood in the Times Sports on Tuesday Alle66, jokingly joked that his children are already negotiating their contracts — before the network even confirms a renewal.

Allek and Hillia Baldowin

“They are already negotiating their contract,” Alik said jokingly.

“They want more money – they want a lot more money – so we see what happens,” he added.

Although TLC has officially announced the second season, it is clear that the Baldoin family embraces their time on television.

Full home: Baldowin’s family

Alle and Hillaryah41 years old, seven common children: Carmen’s daughter, 11, son Rafael, 9, Leonardo’s 8-year-old son, 6-year-old son Romeo, Eduardo’s son, four-year-old Marilo,

Allek and Hillia Baldowin

Ireland’s 29-year-old girl’s father, Alek, was also married to Kim Basinger.

Life in Baldowin’s house is nothing but silence and admitting that his children prefer to spend time than to socialize them outside their homes.

“They have friends and they go to the game and this and that, but they prefer to stay at home with each other. Alle It’s a partner.

“They work as a packet,” he said, explaining that his children are very close and really enjoy being together.

Photography of a real program during a legal war

The first season of Baldowins, which was first unveiled last month, was photographed during this period, which Alik describes as a unique and intense time for their family.

Production was a short time before the unwilling murder in connection with the coincidence of filmmaker Halina Hachins in the set of her Western film called Rust.

Allek and Hillia Baldowin

Alik stressed that he should not point his finger and was not aware that the gun was full of live explosives.

He confessed to the crime and finally the case was finally rejected in July

real keeping: Alec on the family’s television experience

Despite the emotional challenges around his legal problems, Alik insists that the show will detail their daily lives.

Allek and Hillia Baldowin

“When I think about the right program, I remember a lot after that fact,” he told reporters on Tuesday.

“When we did that, it was a little unique for us, but then I realized who we were,” he said.

Alik also stressed that nothing has been displayed on the Baldowins and will not be exaggerated, insisting that the series is “very authentic about how we live.

As for whether their children will get the salary they are demanding? That’s still there to be seen.

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