Health and Fitness

SSD25 Grand Prize & Giveaway Deets

Ours Spring Thin Challenge (SSD) It is a challenge for 8 weeks since March 10, 2025.

Weekly gifts

We know that it is difficult to remain consistent so that we have weekly gifts to help you show you a extra stimulus for each day and sweating.

Here’s how to enter our weekly gifts.

  1. Comment on our motivational Monday posts on @teamlsf IG, our secret FB page or YT and answer the title prompt.
  2. The speed will be something like “e-mail or text” for the opportunity to win this week’s gift. “
  3. Follow the message prompt for the opportunity to win.
  4. We will choose one winner every week and we will direct them directly to the message + to get them out.

PrizesYou will have the opportunity to win. LSF Nutrition, LSF Happy Hat, LSF Yoga Mat, LSF Store Gift Card, and more.

Great prize

$ 2000 + Value.

Here’s how to win.

  1. We look at physical progress + your involvement with Teamlsf community to make sure labeling @Teamlsf aeration of @lovesweatfitness In all your posts + involving other LSF girls.

  2. Take the SSD sign located on SSD Playbook.

  3. For the best results, follow your Lean power plan + Challenge Workouts Every Day in Me Move the program

We can’t wait to do our Spring slim challenge With you!

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