Upmama Written by Anupma 10 August 2024: Vanraj Minu in a scandal act – you can’t believe what will happen in the future!

The most important things are mainly –

  • Vanraj criticizes you for not being responsible.
  • Anuj struggles with the loss of Adiya and leaves the house.
  • Minu was attacked by the elderly at the hospital.
  • Sagar defends Minoo from the oppressors, but the incident has been recorded.
  • Vanraj hides the truth of money from you and purity.
  • Minoo doesn’t want to talk about the anger of his uncle.
  • Paxi shows a wrong video of Mino and Sagar Vanraji.

Update Anupma 10 August

Vanraj boredom of the family

Vanraj complains about a new riot, saying that Asha’s people have problems with their flute. Pure is tired because he cannot sleep during the day, but let him notice that their noise is worse at night.

You smile and ask why you are there instead of looking at Minoo. They argue about who should be aware of Minu, and Vanraj is angry and tells them to collect their bags and leave.

You apologize for not looking at Mino correctly, but Vanraj criticizes them and says he doesn’t want Mino to fall in love with him. He advises Paghi to pay attention to his bodybuilding if he cannot deal with his daughter.

Emotional struggle Annoj

Anoj, who is in emotions, speaks to Adiya and has expressed atheism that is alive. He doesn’t want to stay at home and leave, despite what Anupmama Praying for his strength. Anuj asks how he lives without Adia while they are looking for him. Anupma continues to pray for a solution.

Menu’s confrontation with the oppressors

Mino arrives in hospital, and Sagar advises to inject it. As he goes to the hospital, the higher boys are surrounded by him and start making fun of him. He tries to leave, but they take his path.

In the meantime, Pakhi and Toshu talk about how nobody cares about them and that Pakhi says Minoo is not so innocent that he believes. Baah takes a kurire for Vanraj, but you take it and read it and be shocked. Vanraj takes the envelope from you.

Annoj’s vision of hopelessness

Anuj imagines Adia that calls, but when she reaches her hand, it disappears. When Anuj walked uncomfortly, he was heading towards a unified box, saying he didn’t want to live in a world without him. Anupma prays to endure the pain for Anuj but feels something wrong when she feels an electric shock.

Sagar defends Minu

The supreme boys are asking for the name of the female, who threatens them with the Stoscope. Sagar returns to charge him and asks the boys to allow him to leave. They make fun of them, but he remains calm until one of them beats. Then Sagar defends himself and Minu, by standing with the oppressors.

the secret of Vanraj and your protest

You ask Vanraj about hiding the full amount of money. Vanraj is sacking them and says it is his life and the laws. He criticizes them for wasting money and not taking responsibility, telling them that they should be grateful for taking Pent-house.

You are sad and pure. Meanwhile, the boys tear the Minu’s arm and give him his uniform to wear, comforting him while people record the scene.

Minu’s decision and Anopama’s advice

Vanraj regrets seeing the letter and was worried about what to do in the future. Anupma asks Bala where Anuj is and is afraid of the worst. Anoj returns, showing a key chain of games that resemble Adia. Sagar arrives with Minu, where he embraces Anupma and explains about anger in college.

They filed a case, but Mino doesn’t want to tell his uncle, for fear of preventing him from going out. Anupma advises him to be honest with him before there is someone else.

sheets cause problems

Paxi shows Vanraji embracing Mino Sagari and adding dramas, which shows that Mino is involved under the guise of training.

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