TLC’s Polyfamily: Knowledge of spouses

TLC New Show Polyvamili It follows the complications of the quarter-contained quarter ties.

Polyvamiliwhich will be published on Tuesday, April 29, after two marriages, Allicia and Tyler, Shawn and Tayathat they have chosen all live together as a closed quad. Although they are married, Tyler is accompanied by Taya’s wife Taya, while she is a friend of Tyler’s wife Alysia.

In his book (We are only friends among ourselves and we get married among ourselves. US Weekly’s the trailer clip. “We have no external partner.”

Alisia said they would never “destine their lives to live like this,” but it ended.

“We found that we can love more than someone and make our own rules about what we want our family to be,” he shared.

Before they became a unified unit, Aleasia and Tyler were previously parents for a son and a daughter. But after they met with Sean and Taya, the four people who grew up have greeted two other sons, and the other child is on the way.

Taya shared in the trailer and said they didn’t want to know who the biological fathers were because it could “my pain.

Continue to make the security to learn more about any husband and wife:

Shoun and Taya

Tlcs Polyfamily Know Thaya Tyler and Alisia

Sean and Taya were married for six years before they came into the quad.

Taya admitted that they faced “Palpshback” from their family and friends after they talked about their multi-secure relations with Tyler and Alisia.

“It’s true that it wasn’t always easy,” he said, saying it took me a long time to admit that I had feelings for someone else – and they’re definitely jealous of us sometimes. today In January 2023, “But now it is very natural for all of us and I feel grateful to have many partners with them to educate children.

Tyler and Alisia

Tlcs Polyfamily Know Thaya Tyler and Alisia

After 11 years, together, Tyler and Alysia chose to enter a closed quarter with Shun and Taya. The couple were previously parents with a boy and a girl before the other couple meeting.

“Our children used to know that we had a relationship with Shawn and Taya,” Tyler told Tyler. today In an interview with January 2023. “We told them, ‘You know, my mother has a boyfriend and my father had a girlfriend and we go inside together, and we all become a big family and they help your parents, so we need you to treat them like you — like parents.

Although he is happy with his life, Elisia admits that sometimes “jealous” reaches Taya and Tyler, because “is almost that they are more in love with me and that.

Shun and Alisia

Alisia and Schon began to communicate with each other in Kuad.

Tyler Francis says he feels like a glorious child of biological children like a glorious child

stick: Tyler love feels like ‘sglified babysitter’ for biological children

The love of the blind star Tyler Francis does not believe that he is a father’s personality for his biological children. Tyler, 34, on Wednesday, November 20, edited his podcast “A dear woman”, referring to her friend (…) “It’s a very consolidated situation because I don’t feel a father and I’ve said this.

“We didn’t even know what the stake was until we started to get feelings for each other,” she admitted. today In January 2023,

Taya and Tyler

In addition to marrying their partners, Tyler has their own relationships.

watch Polyvamili In TLC on Tuesday, April 29, at 10 pm Central US time.

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