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‘The Returning Reveranga’ in the Way to Peace in South Sudan, UN Commission warns Of the past

South Sudan has seen the “unexpected registration” as Prepare recent weeks In the country of the land to separate the years of peace, the unity of the people of the world is for the land.

The UN speech from Yasmin Soka, the UN Commissioner of the South Sudan is at the control of the clinician who is called as the governor president.

The situation has reached perlil’s a double-term competition approved in 2018 to end the last five years of the Second World War. The war was still afraid of the war in the country of the island.

“We are showing an emergency registration that I can cancel the years of the power of strength,” Sook’s story.

“But not to divide the part and fightLeaders must continue to update the process of peace and keep the South Sudan Conserns, and ensures that it is well transferred to democracy, “says Sooka.

The Chairman of the African African Commissioner, Muslims Moss, has shown the “deep worry” on Saturday.

In a story, he called for “too early to all thousands.”

Of the past

The flames of the war between the Sudan soldiers and a party set by the right person’s spokes “in Nasir County in February.

Although those who started the fight, the HRW’s bad information was not strong. There are many parts that came out and stores using the “heavy weapons”, according to the United Nations in South Sudan (UNAMIM). The department has said the war at Western Equitia State south of the country.

Before this week South Sudan was a consultant, Michael Makuri said, on the army, near the white party, a large army that operates the top. He assigned the work group in the group to the Maca’s team, the movement of Sudan’s people in opposition (SPPM / io).

South Sudan
The Holy President of Sudan Sudan Salva Macha, Riek Machar, is a president of the Pope Francis in Jubu, Surtis / AP.

The stresses that woke up this week and command kir the two chiefs and the soldiers of the soldiers and soldiers of the soldiers. The army surrounded the Mac’s House. she can be sent Under the house hunting.

And on Friday, UN Hecotpter is not trying to save soldiers in the state attackKilling a Crew member and killing other two. Another Battalion was killed on the saved mission, the UN Mission at South Sudan (UnSint) said Friday.

Talk on Friday on Friday, Kir encourages Peace after the process.

“The Government led me this problem. And he said, We shall be established, and shall be established in the way of peace, and shall say.

‘The muscles of power’

South Sudan is the world’s country of origin, has received independence in 2011.

However, the unique purpose is the movement of the person’s human’s man’s human. By 2013, the land was declining in all tribal war. The battle of more than 400,000 people will be more than one million people.

In 2018, the two sides were signed by the Recovery agreement on the Deed of War in South Sudan (R-Arcss).

It means a permission to see two waves to combine their groups under the same section, arrange a new votes and preventing military groups. However, none of the fixed adjustments are made.

In the comment was released on Satner, Barney Awako, a member of the Un at the South Sudan, a return to the wars of the previous power “.

He said the southern of Sudanan has been authorized “bad, the contradictory damage, economic change, and hand-control”.

“It is necessary to remain unhappiness and peaceful, not in the change of war,” he said.

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