Business News

The manufacturer of the premises says “significant doubt” about the future of the company

The Irobo, the firm behind Roomba vacuums, issued a warning of “significant doubt” about the company’s future.

The company on Wednesday marked “a significant suspicion of the company’s possibility of continuing as a concern for a period of at least 12 months from the date of issuance of its 2024 consolidated financial reports” as it presented its complete financial results.

The Irobber generated $ 681.0 million in fiscal 2024, a decrease of more than 23% compared to the previous year. His annual net loss was $ 145.5 million.

Irobot Roomba Vacuum Cleaners are sold on target

Vacuum cleaners of the iron, which are seen in the target Superstwar. (Alex Tai/Sopa Pictures/Lygrocket through Getty Images/Getty Images)

Earlier in Sunday, she revealed that he was killed New robotic vacuums That should hit the market starting March 18, including the Roomba 205 DustCompactor Vac Robot, Roomba 205 DustomCompactor Combo Robot and others.

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“It cannot be guaranteed that the new launch product will be successful due to potential factors, including, but not limited to consumer demand, competition, macroeconomic conditions and tariff policies,” the Irobot said, as it warned of “significant suspicion”.

The Massachusetts -based company recorded “aggressive competition” in Emea, Japan and the United States during 2024, according to its annual report.

Ticker Security Last Change Change %
Ir Irobo Corp. 3.06 -1.00


The company also revealed on Wednesday that a credit agreement it had already had been changed for several years. The move includes a fee of $ 3.6 million, according to SEC submission.

At the beginning of last year, the Roomba manufacturer began with “Operational Restructuring”, which he said would help “position the stabilization company in the current environment, while focusing on profitability and promotion of key growth initiatives to expand its market share and premium.” Irobot revealed that initiative not long after it and Amazon agreed to exclude the proposed purchase of the Roomba manufacturer from the e-commerce giant.

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The agreement fought with obstacles from European monopoly regulators.

The Irobo said on Wednesday that it had cut marketing costs and made them his products Less expensive, among other measures, as part of restructuring. These efforts helped him see a “significant” reduction in annual operating costs in 2024, according to the company.

Vacuums with robots roomba made of iRobot are displayed on a shelf in bed bath and out of the store

The vacuums of the Roomba robot made of Irobot are shown on the shelf in the bed bath and outside the store in Larspur, California, on August 5, 2022. (JustinAstein Sullivan / Getty Pictures / Getty Pictures)

The company said it was launching a “wide range of alternatives” for its business through a “formal strategic review”. Refinancing debt And the transactions were among the measures he mentioned.

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However, the Irobo noted that his board “did not set a conclusion schedule of this review and there could be no conviction that researching strategic alternatives would result in any contracts or transactions.”

The company has been operating since 1990. Her first vacuum in Roomba debuted in 2002.

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