On the one hand, the science could not be more clear. Calories, calories – Eat less and move more. On the other hand, it’s as complicated as the human body. Weight increases and What happens to your body when you lose weightaffects the constellation of factors.
- Diet
- Genetics
- Energy saving
- Hormones
- Environment
- Stress
- The natural defense of your body
One of those defenders is known as “a defined point”, which is clearly understood by weight loss and maintenance. Learn more about the Set Point Theory, how much faith he invests in it and what if you can do anything?
What is the theory of the point?
“Set the theory of the point insists that there is a weight on which our body is more comfortable, determined by genetics, body size and metabolism.” Dana HunnesPh.D., MPH, RD, Senior Dietologist at Ronald Regan Ucla Medical Center. “This defined point will be different from a person, just as genetics differ from a person from a person.”
While body weight, and who is more, and where, how much, and how much, and why, still an unknown study, it stipulates that it can greatly affect acquaintance. Moreover, according to the theory, your body will “fight” to stay in the weight on which it is more comfortable.
“This means that if you go on vacation, eat much more than you will usually be able to get your appetite to your previous weight.” “Similarly, if you eat much less than a few weeks, your body will eventually increase the appetite so you will get you back to your initial weight.
It is defined by the range of assortment.
Point Point Theory, of course, is not new. Researchers investigate it for decades. And the agreement is that there is something in it.
Review of published studies in Metabolic syndrome and related disorders magazine It turned out that the body weight is generally maintained in a stable range, despite the change in energy adoption and costs, showing obesity, probably the result of complex genetics and the environment.
The Hunners say: “It makes a lot of sense. Our bone structure, genes and metabolism are all prone to home generations or relative stability. Our bodies work best when things are stable. So yes, I believe we all have a set point. “
It’s not as tough as you think
Set Point Theory, however, is the reason for feeling powerless or that you are genetically predetermined to stay satisfied.
“Studies believe that the point in people is” loose “(eg with the attractive and lower bounds), not strongly controlled,” says a Review of published studies Magazine F1000 reportsA number
Set Point Theory is based on time tested on evidence of experienced weight loss advice. The standard and stable are the best. Make part of the long-term lifestyle change based on regular diet and exercise.
Do not try to lose weight with binges or hunger and fad diets. People who do this Get the weightoften add more; The point of their body can be part of the cause.
Can you change your body’s boundary point?
Yes, but change should be gradual.
“I think it’s possible to ever change your defined point,” says the Hunis. “If you Crash dietyou will no Change the set item of your body and can increase your weight in the long run. If you are slowly and stable instead, you can create a new set for your body. “
Hunnes uses himself as an example. The border point of his body hung around 125 to 128 pounds in high school. “No matter what I did, (my body weight remained in that range),” he said.
Years later, he has a PhD. He pursues a career in public health and a dietitian and “not necessarily intentional”, his body’s homes – 118 to 120 pounds. Hunness says it may be because he started eating a Plant-based diet As an adult, or because the parenting has intensified her more.
“No matter how much or less I eat, or how much or less I train, I tend to stay in that range,” he said. “In time, small changes or adjustments can change the prescribed point. But if you are a big bonie, you can’t expect a small and slender man. It just won’t work like that. “
Put the type for weight loss
“The best way to lose weight is very small, gradually changes that may be foolish to think that it is still in storage mode,” says Hunness. “If you cut 100 calories from your” typical “food for several months. That is, when eating a day instead of eating 2,100 calories Keep your weightYou eat in 2000 every day and maybe burn a little more energy. Your body does not really “mean” change, and you must be theoretically slowly and gradually losing. “
By creating a little larger Calories of deficiency And by including regular exercises, you can avoid weight and reach a greater weight loss. But experts say it must be gradual, aiming to be one to two pounds per week to keep your metabolic level stable.
“Slowly and steady wins the race,” Hunest concludes. “Slowly and steady can keep your homeostase on the spot.”
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