Health and Fitness

Returning back – BionicoldGuy

I am a bacterial infection from the afternoon yesterday, and it should feel better than a previous experience. I mean the symptoms of my reported Last post:A number found that I didn’t feel better on the last Monday, but then it was quite convinced of what it was so that I turned to my doctor. He sent me on the same day to test, and we received the results on Wednesday. This is now faster for the medical system, it can demand weeks to see a specialist, but fortunately I don’t need to see me personally.


The next paragraph can be TMI about medical problems for some people, so feel free to miss it.

This turned out to be repetition A urinary tract infection I came back in 2021. I haven’t had any problems with that area of ​​my anatomy since then The procedure I exposed in 2022After this stage, I will follow my doctor (urologist) after this stage of infection. One or more videos may be placed UOLift: The procedure went out, which can be fixed in a further minimum order. Alternatively I could go a little more involved procedure such as Torp could be done that would be more permanent. We’ll see what my urologist thinks. Que Sera, Sera.


It’s been a week since I didn’t feel 100%. During that time I was able to easily make an easy 30 minute, each short session for the lower and upper bodies, which is good to strengthen through such a short period. I will soon feel good to start walking time. But going through this kind of stuff always makes me recycle things. I make my training a lot. I’ve talked about it Polarized course Before but its my preferred comment Clarence Bass’s “I’m walking,” I’m walking and I’m a sprink, I don’t do anything. ” For him, this is translated for a quick walk every day, short, but intense strength training for 1 day, and short, but intense cardio. In my case, which should be easily swimming for a little longer days, completed short intensive courses (bicycle castles and intervals and sprints). That’s what I always start. But over time, I’m offended by it, tempting the pace to push or lengthen what short intensive days should be. Recovery time.

It is especially important to remember that the main purpose of the longer everyday tours is relaxation. This is illustrated in a fun way YouTube video: I found a “bicycle escape” channel:

The discussion of easy cycling for relaxing is fun, and the views in the Netherlands are beautiful, and the Dutch bicycle infrastructure is amazing. But “blooms, where your planted”, I can find such a calm on bicycle paths or more calm roads.

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