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NASA launched a new space station this week: How to see

The four crew could go to the international panel, I betrayed the glory this week. Spacex Crewes will be greater than the crew-10 posts on the crew, 10 missiles with the help of the crew. This part of the commercial crew of this NASA, which is based on space cosmorabs and ISS.

When is the space crew-10 will be launched?

Mart 12, stepwhed, March 12, is directing to the target until March 12. The Kenned in Kenned in the Rocket Florida flies from 39 in the cosmic center of the cosmic center. The site of the plot has a short history that returns to Apollo moon programs in the 1960s.

Read more: Nasa’s ‘Stranded’ Astronauts far away from home

How to launch nasa cosmorabs

Already covered the detail of human coscans’ cosmic missions. 7 hours before 39As by the length of the boiler basic space complex Kennedy Space Center Newsroom Feed on YouTube.

Coverage of the main implementation, in 12:45.00 Nasa plus Flow service. NASA PLUS is available on the Internet and through YouTube.

March 12, March 12, a handsome treaty to the PTR in the PTRA in the PTRA in the PTRA in the PTA in PTA.

With a monument to the crew, the crew will take a few monuments on several monuments, including 4:45 at 4:45, including the watchmen at 4:45, greeted them with the moments of new revenues, and new ones meet. This is usually fun and hugs.

Crew-10 meet

The crew consists of four people representing three different countries. Anne McClazine and Nicole Isers are NASA astronaut. This McClain’s second NASAs will be space light and the first.

Takuyuan is Jujui, a Japanese, is his second IS mission. Kirill Peskov is the cosmonaut of Russia’s Rosmous Agency. This is his first visit to the station.

The astronauts will be fully slates, including materially, in order to understand changes in the human body during the human body.

Return Astronauts “

Crew-10 is going to ride a little more than a little more than a bit of crew rotation mission. NASA Capronauts “Suni” Williams and Barry After the Boeing’s Starrginian crew for the capsule of the TV mission for the capsule of the TV mission for the capsule of the TV mission, the long-term IS residents became a long-term IS residents. Crew capsules have been in terms of technical issues and sent to place without a cosmoratory.

Williams and the Wilmor lasted more than eight months. The arrival of the crew, as a cosmorate, the Roschosmove, and Roschosmos cosmonaut Silk in September. The dragon traveler came in two open seats in the Starliner crew home.

Two astronauts were unable to communicate closely, but those terms were widely used in news events and social media. They expect Leave a station on March 16. But first, the crew must come on time.

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