JIZ suspect arrested in the tape and said the rapper never raped him

the woman who accused her je-z From sexual assault to the time when he was only 13 years old, he was arrested in the tape and admitted that the incident had never happened.

The unnamed suspect, who asked the case to withdraw the case in February, claimed that his lawyer was claimed. Tony Buzby He called “Pleaw” to file a complaint against the rapper.

Since then, Jay Ze has filed a complaint against Tony Buzbi and claimed that he and his wife had threatened to kill him, following the request “bad and strong.

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Jane Do admits that Jay Ze has never raped her in recording audio recording


The unidentified JE-Zear suspect has been arrested in an audio recording that is on foot, claiming that the rapper raped him as a young child.

In December, Jane dedo filed a lawsuit through lawyer Tony Buzbi and raped him at MTV VMAS in 2000 when he was 13 years old, but asked the case in February.

In an audio recording by private researchers and by ABC Newshe admits that the alleged incident never happened.

“He was only there, but had nothing to do with any sexual act against you?” The special investigator asked.

“Yes,” Jin deed replied. When asked why the rapper who accused the “Empired State” said he had “are a “are-nominated” rapper to file a complaint.

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Tony Buzby speaks of his knife as saying ‘Please’ to file a complaint against the rapper


In the recording, the anonymous woman says that Buzbi was “the person who pushed him a kind of (he) forward with him, with Jay Z.

“Buzbi did it?” The researchers asked. The woman replied, “Yes.

In a statement with the news agency, Buzbi criticized Jindo’s claims that he was asking him to file a complaint against Jay Zea, calling it a “better lie.

“Although the proposal that I am pushing for Jane Dodo is not to bring a case against JAZ, which is an obvious lie that is directly contrary to all documents,” Buzbi said.

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Tony Buzby claims that Jane deso was ‘Stue’ and ‘Haras’


The situation appears carefully because Buzbi handed his record to the news agency, where he faced Jane Doo with these claims. In this article, he replies that he has never actually taken his accusations against JIZ.

According to his information TMZattacked the audio recordings and said that Jindo was “Susto” and “threat” by special investigators.

“The tape is fraud,” he said. “They would hurt, harass it, and cheat on him, and he received what he had said outside the frame and secretly.

Special investigators have reportedly began excavating the case after it was withdrawn in February.

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One of the researchers, Charlotte Henderson, recorded a swearing-in document last week and said he met with Jane dedo on February 21, 2025 at the accused’s home.

Henderson said neither JZ nor his lawyers have rented to do it, but they have not mentioned who will pay him if someone is.

Meanwhile, Jay Zey’s lawyer Alex Spiro also spoke to the news agency, saying the rapper hoped that this would end the emergence of false narratives against him, when he went on a complaint against Buzbi and Jindo to defame.

“The facts had to come out completely. It cannot be allowed to hide from reality, which is a false accusation,” Spiro said.

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Jay Ze has filed a complaint against Tony Buzbi, claiming that he and Beyonce threatened to kill him.


After Janeo filed to withdraw his case, J. Zey filed a complaint against Buzbi and said in detail how the lawyer’s work had affected him and his family.

In recording the song, the rapper claimed that he and his wife had threatened to kill him because of his request “bad and strong” and “a general statement about me and the accusations against me.

“People have said, ‘I can’t wait until you call the Comments in prison. “Other comments have accused me of ‘deasser’, ‘traders’, ‘terrorists’ and ‘a monster’, called me the word N and threatened violence against me and my husband, including ‘killing’ or ‘executing’ for us.

The charges were recorded in December, the day before the screening of Sher King “Mofasa”, which starred Beyonce and Blue Ive, was screened for the first time in London.

In his complaints, Jay Ze added that Buzby “desequently” filed a lawsuit for the first time before the show, “skey me in a situation where I have to have to support my daughter or hide me to avoid covering negative journalists.

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Jay Ze accused the lawyer of Texas for confiscating money


In addition to his reputation, Jay Zia claimed that he had lost $20 million in commercial contracts on charges of accusing him of an attack against him.

In court documents by by TMZHe also claimed that Buzbi tried to get a large sum of money on two different charges, one in which Janedo and the other did not reach court.

The other case, which was mentioned, contained an anonymous male suspect who allegedly raped him at a 16-year-old Beverley Hills party in 2015 and was secretly supplied by someone else in addition to billionaire Hip Hop.

According to the news agency, the rapper indicated that Buzbi’s letters to both Muklifis asked for a “something of material” to solve the situation.

But Jay Ze interpreted “to buy their silence” as a demand for a lot of money, calling his letters “appreciation attempts to blackmail.

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