Roomies, Social Media Goin’ in Ray J He raised his eyebrows with an interesting message during the recent appearance of clubs.

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More on RAY J message on the club’s recent appearance

according to A post Ray J and his counterparts held an official ban on a trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on March 14, RSVP.

While he was in the city, Ray Jay appeared to be playing alongside Songz’s grapes. In addition, the videos in TikTok From the user shows that he publishes a few words for women in his place.

“I’m thirsty… I want a daughter tonight,” she said. “And I get a budget… Is that wrong to have a budget?

social media cracked

Social media users have their ridiculous reaction to the RAY J for the club Shadow’s Collective Collection Department.

Instagram user @barbiefaceangel – –In this economy, someone goes with the club 🤣”

While Instagram users have added @_toni.hall_ – –At least he should be clear about his intentions.”

Instagram user userTyleshamari wrote, – –Then the thirsty look came in his face.”

While Instagram user @they added,,, – –Princess is sorry siS 🤦🏾 ♀️”

Instagram user userLate722 wrote, – –You’re not thirsty = thirsty”

While Instagram user @tresepiece_st added,,, – –Dams Princess of Dams”

Instagram user userthe_seasoningg wrote, – –😭😭😭😭😭 nah yo he’s insan

User @itsjannellesanchez – –This is very worrying!”

While the user @jasem has been added, – –The road that Noon has volunteered 🤭”

User @mamamia💛 – –He was dead and serious as well as 😂😂😂”

while the user @only1pinky added,,, – –Why is he so comfortable in this work? Is this normal?”

User @lex – –He is seriously dead. He doesn’t want to pay what he is willing to spend but is ready to spend 😭”

while the user @launa added,,, – –😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

User @sydney – –lmaooo rayj very funny for me”

while the user @dallas dominique added,,, – –I know brand is ashamed.”

Ray Jae also celebrated alongside Songz’s grapes at the club.

The extra videos of the Ray Jae club have shown that they have been alongside the Songz grapes. On March 15, YouTube user @wes Shot me loadeded Videos videos For the platform that shows his famous song ‘One Wish,’ with Songz, who sang alongside him.

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What do you think the rooms?

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