How to know if the coach is legal?

If you are twisting Instagram, YouTube or Tik Tok, you have probably seen a ton of different fitness coaches and coaches, but you know that the coach is legal.

Over the years, I have viewed hundreds of people begin to sell courses and food programs with zero certificates, zero experience of real customers and non-control.

It is not only misleading, it is dangerous.

Helping someone’s training and nutrition is a huge responsibility, and I don’t take it light.

So are you training with me? Move Or choose another program, that’s why you need to make sure that it is a certified personal trainer.

Why worked with a certified personal trainer?

Together, such as “NAMM”, like “NAMM”, should manually take intensive courses and tests that need to be educated.

  • Main exercises Science:
  • Science of human movement
  • Fitness assessment
  • Project Design: Opt Model Model
  • Speed, agility and speed courses
  • The best experience of nutrition
  • Customer interaction and professional development

Like many professions, we need to make a certain amount of continuous education to ensure that we are relevant in recent techniques, research and training methods.

I personally completed more than 20 different courses, including Natalyan region, mobility, yoga and recently received new certification as behavioral Change the specialist ArmA number

Not all certificates are not created equal.

Whether you are looking for a coach or confirm yourself, make sure you find a program that is nationalized accredited.

This is really the only way to make sure it is 100% legal and meets the highest training standards.

Is National Academy of Sports Medicine (NAMM) He is one of the most respected and authoritative companies and where I receive my certificates.

If you want to expand your knowledge or even become a coach, definitely check them.

Use my code: 10% to get LSF10 out of any course or program hereA number

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