Law regulations in France was fully supported a bill to easily open the bars – a movement of a movement to save life in rural communities.
In the 156-election on Monday, MPs decided to stop the new site restrictions to buy alcohol. The bill still wants the approval ATATE as the law.
According to the sponsorship is required to change social networks and reduces the separation – but warnings for a healthy illness in alcohol.
France has seen the fall of 200,000 bars and café to 36,000 to 36,000 in 2015.
In France, a legal license 4 required by law to open alcohol, including older souls over 18% alcohol.
Currently, there is no new permission that can be delivered, and plans for opening a card to stop the drinking place to the license.
The new law enforcement authorizations can be less than 3,500 people without a signal for a non-license application.
Local immigrants tell the end to accept or refuse the requests such as.
Kassaker Kasbarian Guillarmer said “An old legal framework and has been completed, AFP reported AFP.
It was also said to Fabitie di Filippo, another French member, who photographed people with the rural areas and the community that was attached to them “.
According to French Health Department each year is about 49,000 diseases of the country is associated with alcohol, says the “great health issue”.
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