Fans react to Glorilla, Sexy Red Iheartradio Shows

Gworlz came to slay, not games, in 2025 Iheartradio Music Awards on Monday (March 17). Gloryla and red sex Together to present the song ‘whatchu kno about me’ and the Los Angeles audiences left and the fans on social media! In addition to killing their set, the rappers of Memphis and St. Louis even coordinated their theatrical faces.

stick: Op! Maria is a viral work due to her facial reaction during the performance of the IHARTRADIO (videos)

Continue to read for a repetition of what rap girls were like, and the video contained! Also, on social media streets were impressed by the show!

Gloryla and Sex Reed Go Golden for twins

As mentioned, this year’s IHARTRADIO was held in La, especially in the Dolby Theater. The Big Glo was supposed to take a multi-singing performance, and he hit his ‘glorious’ colleagues to show a show! The women were wearing free golden clothes, with sexual red that shakes its own red knife and Glorila went to a natural bus below!

After the shade room republished the videos of the show, The Roomies went to the forest in the comments section of Instagram.

@kompletely_kayla “IDC Wat Nobody says the lights to work!!

@nostalgiaboops praised his development, writing, “He’s theatrical High School is much better yes light!!!!

“They are actually good.” @dolce.dobson was added. @marleyMorgz Also thanks to writing, writing, “This gold looks beautiful on them ❤️.”.

@thetrolldolll “The words are clear that they look well!!!!!

“Two successful black women”. @tweet_her_blaqk.

@terillisha said, “How can I really try to elevate it?

“👏Shop was proud of them they ate it” @trixterblu added, while @babiejayyy said, “I liked everything about it.”

If you don’t know, ‘whatchu kno about me’ is the fifth song in Glorila’s latest album And there is only red sex. the Song’s Official Music Video He was released five months ago. until Tuesday (March 18)) More than 64 million views and more than 18,000 comments on YouTube. The energy you gave on the stage? Yes, they doubled in the two-minute-minute view. See for yourself below!

The Memphis rapper K Carbon also played the IHEART stage.

The IHARTRADIO is not the only one to stop Glorila recently. As mentioned earlier, he is in the United States on his ‘glority’ journey’. Recently, it was the virus to give. dance of a spice of spices On the stage for one of his opening actions, Boston Richy. The journey began earlier this month and is expected to end at the end of April with a final station in Memphis. While he also had Moni Long, Bosman Delo, Kirk Franklin, T-Pine, Friday, and Lato on his album, it is unclear whether any of them will participate in the trip.

He did not repeat the corography for the awards. But he hit another ‘Glios’ colleague to hit the platform. K CarbonAnother rapper of the Memphis rapper, in the film Outro of the album, ‘Never be found. Carbon and Glo have participated together in several other songs, from ‘Shabya’ to ‘A Wrong’s. Look at K, which starts at 1:00 am the iheartradio music award of Ghloryla below.

Before the big stages, there was this Gloryla

In the lights, by holding the iheartradio theater, a video of his throwing in the studio was a virus. On Tuesday, Tuesday, the music video reopened on his page, comparing a new video that raped the same song. Under the picture, he wrote, “You will remember one day you will be bright in the same way.

These days, the sessions of the Gloryla Studio are moving into other lines. Earlier this month, he attacked him. Liangelo Boll – Song‘You can please. Recently, Halley Bailey made a joke for a preacher who appears to have a little bit of the glow.

stick: half the caller? Fans explode after Halle Bailey Taises Collab with Gloryla (Listen)

What do you think the rooms?

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