Drop sets are a strong method to improve muscle consumption and facilitate muscle development, although they can be hard and ideal for each individual. Usually, the drip collection is considered as one set, although several decreases in weight.
Understanding Drop Collections

Drop Sets is a fantastic training protocol that you can include in your training mode.
They include gradually reducing the weight you raised during consecutive sets without a break.
The main purpose here is to continue the continuation of the initial patijection point of the muscles.
However, when I say “sets”, this is not considered additional collections, but as an extension of the original work collection.
In other words, Drop collections should always be calculated as one setA number
The main reason for the performance of drops collections is to increase muscle resilience and promote muscle growth.
This is achieved by fully fatigue of muscle fibers.
It is said that although drops collections can increase strength, there is evidence published Magazine about sports medicine and physical imagesThis shows that simply implementing normal heavy sets will lead to greater improvements in force.
DROP collections are suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced courses, but they should be carefully used to avoid.
Moreover, you can use them almost every exercise, thus enhance the intensity and efficiency of training.
Just make sure you keep a proper way to enjoy maximum benefits.
The most common way to use DROP sets
Personally, I used to use Drop Sets in the last series of exercise.
My standard protocol will include only 3 drops of collections after the latest work collection, ensuring that answers remain the same.
Also, I will usually reduce weight by about 10-30% for each further decline collection.
Here is an example with Barbell Bicep Curls.
Barbell Bicep Curls. The method of setting one drops | ||
Border | Ratings: | Weight |
1 | 8-12 | 70 l |
2 | 8-12 | 70 l |
3 + 3 Drop Collection | 8-12 | 70 l ➡️ 50lbs ➡️ 40lbs ➡️ 30 l |
Brought to you MyBodyweightExercises.com |
However, the latest working collection, which includes 3 drops, should be calculated only one set and not 4 common sets.
Really, your “real” collections (for a better word desire) must be carried out with maximum weight, intensity and repetitions.
Drop collections are just a little extra way to click, while your muscles are tired and close to failure, including the same movement, but reduced weight.
Thus, the above-mentioned BYP workout includes only 3 sets and not 6 sets.
“Each defined decline collection” method
The method of defining each collection is correct, as it sounds, you make a decline for each exercise for each exercise.
This will significantly increase the intensity and volume of your training.
In fact, you want to push your muscles at different levels of resistance to fatigue.
This will increase muscle endurance and growth to make your muscles a wide range of stimulus in one session.
I will say that this is extremely effective for muscle hypertrophy, but with several warnings.
First of all, you must take into account your total training intensity, training volume and recovery forces to avoid overheating.
Therefore, I would suggest that the method of defining each collection is used only by experienced elevators, especially those who try to get out of the plateau.

Then use this method again if you want to temporarily activate your training.
So I wouldn’t suggest that beginners try this method, plus, I would avoid training than two days in this way.
Make sure you have at least 72 hours between these two sessions between the rest of this week.
Finally, notice your recovery, as you feel in the gym, because there is no point of continuing if you think your training sessions suffer.
Barbell Bicep Curls. Method of defining each established decline | ||
Phase | Ratings: | Weight |
Pre-collection: | 8-12 | 70 l |
Drop Set 1: | 8-12 | 50 l |
Drop Set 2: | 8-12 | 30 l |
Brought to you MyBodyweightExercises.com |
As you can see from the table, I have decreased the number of drops of 3 to 2.
This workout will still consist of only 3 work collections and a total of 9 sets.
Now, you can try each collection method, 3 drops per set, but this is a huge amount of intensity and volume.
So this is possible something you can work on your way but I would encourage the side of caution and use fewer drops.
This is also a great opportunity to check out my article that discusses or you need Make Bicep Curls sitting or standingA number
Learning Main Points:
- A drip collection is calculated as one set.
- DROP SETS assumes to reduce weight with future collections without resting this “set”.
- They are a great way to increase muscle endurance and muscle growth.
- The most common method of using Drop collections is to include a decline in the final collection of special exercise.
- I would generally perform 3 drops collections after the final set of exercise.
- You can use the “Each set drop collection” method, which includes the release in one set of each set, I usually remain a 2 drop-down collection using this method.
- Each collection of drop collections is a progressive method of training and should be avoided from beginners.
- Don’t perform “Each Collection” twice a week and usually trained for the rest of the week.
- Beware of your recovery and ensure that your workouts are not suffering due to potential overwriting.
One of the greatest advantages of drops collections is that they increase the stress of metabolism, as well as promotes greater muscle growth. By essentially, you can burn fat while building muscle. Which is exactly at that center Matheman coaching front planA number

Hi, I’m a parat, the owner and founder of my body weight exercises. I am the 3rd level of personal trainer and certified force and a specialist for an exercise professionals, the United Kingdom register. Since 2000, I have been a regular gym and coaching customers since 2012. My goal is to help you achieve your body’s composition goals.
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