DK Metcalf confirms the post-style category Normani

Aww, Chambers! congratulations Norm and DK Metcalf — They have officially announced their engagement.

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Normani and Di Ky Metcalf engagement

Shadow Room He captured a DK Metcalf video previously known as Decallin Metcalf, which fell from the place where he had slipped in the big statement. DK’s Get a lot to celebrate because it was newly changed from Seattle Sihaix to the Pittsburg Steelers. While talking about the move, he impressed everyone by revealing that he was Norman’s fiancé.

“Only for the beautiful man of my fiancé I was here with me. I can’t wait to move with the rest of the black and golden nation,” DK said in the video.

Along with DK videos, his photos and Normany appeared, showing that he is preparing to formally sign his commercial contract. Go below to the sweet pictures.

DK foods on how to ask the big question for Normani

DK didn’t cooperate with how he went to Normani’s proposal. During a press conference on his profession, he shared his question in Houston, Texas, during his sister’s spring break, with both families there for that great moment. He also revealed that he plans to propose last year, but the Normani schedule was on the way.

When the chance finally came, he began to send his flowers with a story, the last one said. – Are you marrying me?

Matchmaker for Normani & DK

Di Ky gave a complete background on his love story with Normani. Be the props Russell Wilson and Siara To connect them in 2020, he said the rest is history.

Social media reacts

the rooms were flooded Shadow’s Collective Collection Department With the reactions to the participation of Normani and DK Metcalf. Several social media users congratulated them and were happy to see together.

Instagram user userPanasexiii wrote, – –Black Love ❤️”

Instagram user userItsbritnihunny wrote it, – –congratulations! They are a beloved couple. 🫶🏾”

While Instagram user @__Trick wrote, – –The fact that Siara introduced is showing his prayers.”

Then the user of Instagram @the previous creature, – –Omgoshhh yay!! I love this for us! Love relationship and normal relationship without all the drama!”

Another user of Instagram @Ohsomocha wrote, – –Just to think about what Siara introduced… I love this.”

Instagram user userThequeenchioma – –I love black love here!”

While another Instagram user @Nurse Blue23 wrote, – –Sisters have become women top tier 😍”

Instagram user @d33skiiii “🥹🥹🥹 I love black athletes with black women.

Finally, Instagram user @ userGettfasapafterthissht – –That’s something. He good, the fine they left the baby, cute me, I love love 😍”

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