Ben and Jerry’s parental company dismissed its CEO of political activism

Ben and Jerryiers claims to be a parent company illegally fired CEO David Stever Over his social and political activism, breaking his merger agreement.

Vermont -based ice cream maker, known for its social activism, said in court documents submitted to New York on Tuesday that Unilever had informed his board that he was replacing Sterver for “his commitment to Ben and Jerry’s social mission and his basic integrity of the brand and its own integrity with its own. Performance. ”

The company said the move had highlighted “Unilever’s failure to abide by its contractual obligations” under the merger agreement when Unilever acquired the ice cream manufacturer in 2000 for $ 326 million. He stated the CEO can only be removed after consultation with the Board’s Advisory Committee.

Problem of the child of the child Ben and Jerry’s parent after several years of political controversy

“Unilever announced its decision before the Committee was even appointed and tried to force the independent board to destroy the decision by unilaterally dictating artificial and hasty deadlines,” the court documents said.

Fox Business All to Ben and Jerryry and Unilever comment.

Ben and Jerry’s ice cream is kept in a refrigerator at an event where the founders Jerry Greinfield and Ben Cohen gave him ice cream to bring attention to the US Supreme Court police reform on 20.05.2011. (Kevin Diet/Getty Pictures)

Ben and Jerryryers said the merger agreement also “protects the social mission and integrity of the Ben and Jerry brand, positioning the Independent Board as” guards “and obliges Unilever to work with the independent board with goodwill.”

However, the company claims that Enilever “has repeatedly failed to recognize and respect the primary responsibility of the Independent Board for Ben and Jerryiers The social mission and integrity of the brandincluding the threat of Ben and Jerry staff, if the company speaks of the issues Unilever prefers to censor. ”

Since its establishment in 1978

But in recent years, the unique structure of the deal that has allowed Ben and Jerryjers to enter controversial threads without interference, also withdrew Unilever in the hassle.

Unilever to cut 7,500 jobs, to spin the ice cream unit

The largest lightning crop began in July 2021, when Ben and Jerryi announced they would no longer sell its Israelis products in the West Bank, which the company calls the company “occupied Palestinian territory”.

(Mike Kemp/on pictures through Getty Pictures)

In 2023

In March 2024, Unilever, owner of about 400 brands, announced plans to turn its ice cream Business – including Ben and Jerryers – after more than a century.

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Ben and Jerryryers on Tuesday in court documents on Tuesday “failed to engage with the independent board of goodwill regarding how restructuring will preserve the rights, duties and obligations listed in parties’ agreements, including the social mission of Ben and Jerry, and the integrity of the brand.”

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