Baidu, the same chief China, was still fighting to restore his base

The photo here is the Ernie mobile interface, with a double digit search engine search engine in the background.

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Great Chinese technology Baidu He has already sent new-free patterns to repeat its leadership base in the most competitive land.

Baidu model Sunday launched The Company’s first opinion is included, and Come in front of the plans to move to an open-source strategy.

However, the priests told CNBC at that time the patterns are best developing for Baidu, like the chatbot-like a chatbot-like a competition.

“New samples will be stronger when the company is at the time when the Company is offered,” Lian jye saus, CNBC said.

The consideration of consideration is a major language model that is broken down in small activities and considering many ways before generating answers. It is made to process difficult problems in humanity.

The start of the Chinese spent the world in the World in January when the Audi Model was released, it came from american competition.

Baidu state His example of the new Ernie x1 “offers the work to par and half of the price,” It’s a “ahead and the ability of the world.” CNBC could not confirm this claim.

Wei Sun says that a senior researcher of expert study, Badius can compete because he sends his new models.

“Baidi is in the catch-up mode, the new one is quick and reduced rapid moves in the market market,” said the day.

What happens?

Baidut changed the layer of General to the people in 2023, China gives one of his first answers to the famous Chatgot.

However, though IT firstErnie product Ernie product by the competitors including the starts with high-technical companies like Aliapaba From the backyard.

A lot of issues of Baidu wars and the speed of a new job.

“Baidu was defeated when they tried to create the ownership and competing competition,” Ray Wang, a CNBC analysis and translator of CNBC. He added that the company was also suffering from the Government’s merchants, and he would be confused by the “unfortunately.”

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The owners should keep their source code and attribute the examples from the depths of the depetek, which is a waste of time to change the open web and distribution.

“Using the way-closing means is to be trained in his examples since the opening patterns to the developers.

Baidu, however, were to the last month It makes his generation-generation model-spring generation from June 30, according to actors.

“Baidu was fully supported by Baidu sample and the language to open open source, but the Super’s problem is very competitive.

He added Baidu’s legs “of his biggest competition in China, and Alibaba, and the Witnesses, and now sends the open-sourced patterns.

Baidu benefits

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