According to the White House sent on Tuesday, a transmission of transmitted and infrastructure for President Donald Trump on Tuesday (KIS) directly led by the security body.
Planke has worked for several years for the United States Government. In 2013, the U.S. forces supported our US forces, and then the United States cyber order, the US-US coast and the United States Navy. He also served as a director of Cyber policy in Trump’s National Security Council and later in the Department of Energy.
Did not respond to a comment request sent through the plankay linkick.
Kisa has already led by Jen and Rastoch, The agency left before the start of the new komuz on January. In his first term, Trump argued inauguration director, Chris Crus, Chris Crus, and the election debate.
Planning’s candidacy will visit the senior to vote. The date of voting is not immediately issued.
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