
Obi Wan Kinobi condemns the Old Republic with hypocrisy

until Chris Snelgrov
| Published

Pope Quiz, Garm Shout: In the Star Wars, who do you think you did the most for the old republic? You may be tempted to say that Palpatin is to modify the two giant factions into the civil war and the seizure of power, or you might say that it is Darth Vaider, the previous one that helped hunt and kill his colleagues across the galaxy. in reality, that was that Obi Wan Kinobi Who condemned the old republic because the unchanged code of the code made him kill Anakin Sky Waker when he had that opportunity?

How Obby Van Kinobe killed the Old Republic

Iwan McGregor Obi Van Kinobi

at the top revenge for the SitsObi Van Kinobi is unlikely to think about the old republic at all. Instead, he was fully focused on Anakin Sky Waker. It’s a very cruel scene, leaving Knob’s friend’s colleague to catch fire and suffer while they exchange their last words. But what matters is that Kinobey kill former disciples, that’s why Darth Vaider He is still alive to hurt the galaxy another day.

Now, fans have spent nearly two decades to argue that Kinobe’s decision to kill his former student. The general consensus is that it refrains from doing so because the code has led him to kill an unarmed weapon. Dis-Leggg) Opposite, something that supports romance revenge for the Sits. But it is clear that Obi Van Kinobe finally chose to put dusty code on the old republic, effectively punishing the death of countless people.

Basically, my argument is that this serious teacher had to ask himself the same question that Anton ÇiGur had asked him in there is no country for old men: “If the law you implemented, what was the use of the law?” Our hero did the right thing in space. He was a powerless person who was powerless in defending himself.

It is very tangible, and Knowbe is responsible for everyone who was later killed. He decided to keep the Jed code high, and many fans support this decision, as the GD master became the most hated. Of course, this is the same argument that Batman fans create to kill these crazy billionaires. the Joker And call it a day.

but here here the stuff: If Batman kills the Joker and really feels bad about it, he could have put himself in or, the worst case, commit suicide. Similar options are available to our favorite master, which can be one of the force with the force or in other words to avoid the temptation of the darkness of its developed developed. Considering Obby Van Kinobe, it’s just a monk on a tattoo. howeverHe could simply kill Anakin Sky Waker, become a self-destruction and to know that he had saved the galaxy.

Many stars hate Lock Sky Waker the last jedybut the film achieved something correct: accurate anger at the hypocrisy and stupidity of the old ones. These space magicians were clearly asleep in the tire, which directly led the scates to control the entire galaxy. If Obi Van Kinobe had been willing to kill Anakin simply when he had a chance, the emperor could have been easily defeated, hundreds of Vaidan victims would have been taken away from him, and the old republic may remain the same.

General Grievous

Unfortunately, while Kenobi said “Hello there” to General Grivos, he said goodbye to something else. the third episode: a healthy mind.

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