Battlestar galactica is now using Apocalyps for important scenery

until Chris Snelgrov
| Published

Some of the things that Ronald Moore made BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Again, Reboot So was forced to tell an authentic story while still respecting the amazing films and screenings that had come before him. For example, the first show of the second semester (“Participation”) has a flashback scene for when a younger colonel was about to burn his medals and probably commit suicide, and this cooling scene may be familiar to film students. that’s because this is especially depression. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA a scene with heavy inspiration Apocalyps now And one of the darkest scenes in cinematic history.

Battlestar galactica is now inspired by Apocalyps

Originally, the producers recorded several different flashback scenes for “Scattered”, and the final episode contains only one hand of them. One of them shows that a younger colonel is eagerly pouring a lighter liquid of all his old military medals; He is preparing to set them on fire and may kill himself and his partner in bed, but he stopped visiting the military police. They are told that he has returned from his service. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA In the podcast, Guru Moore confirmed the ring that “the quality of honor in this article Apocalyps now‘ “

if you’re you BATTLESTAR GALACTICA a fan who hasn’t watched Apocalyps now Recently (or might have never looked at it), you might ask what the respect is. in Francis Ford Coppola The film shows some of their military police and finds the character of the Martin Shin’s army to be so hungry that they have to throw it into a wedding to revive it. In Dusattered, the ray (provided in half a large route) is in a similar situation, although visiting MPs do not have to throw it into two.

What’s interesting, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Showrunner believed that this separation was small. Apocalyps nowThe scene made the scene more effective. He pointed out that the ray “only goes out and pulls himself together” and how this was “to our story…most influential. In the same podcast analysis, Moore was sad that “we couldn’t bring us fully” the fact that if his medals set fire to him, “the whole place may rise.

Obviously, the scene in Coppola’s film, which the blue character should be physically thrown into the two, was unforgettable, so why did Moor think it was better to show that he was able to gather on himself? Basically, “scape” is a ring that the liquid blade must take the command of the ship after Adam was shot, and it was surprising for viewers and characters, just as the drunk and violence the ship was actually a trusted officer who had a good instinct. But, the previous flashback serves before the TGH in Battlestar Galaxyka, predicts this by showing it can (other-trait Apocalyps now هاوتات) He pulls himself together at a moment.

when we looked at this for the first time BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Episode, we didn’t give an hour in the similarity between the young blade and the equivalent scene in Apocalyps now. We cannot see the relationship now, and we love Ronald Moore more to increase such a complexity for Colonel Thigh, one of the best characters in the program. As for Thgh himself, he is likely to mention the command in the same two words, which Marlon Brando is famous for the end of the end of the end. Apocalyps now: “It’s a fear… it’s a horror!”

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