Peru fisherman was found after giving the sea for 94, a Navy chief was presented by Saturday, at the time after his degree.
Maximo Nap, 61, he saved his small fish shelf after a time that the vessel escape from the coast of the coast of Peru.
He told local owners in the tear inquiry he survived the sea by eating the corners, birds and pigeons.
“I didn’t want to die, for my mother. My grandson has two months – I’m attached to that day.
The Pictures of Peru Navy post of salvation, including one who shows NAPA and his older brother after healing and one shows the fisherman.
The Republic / Handout by Reuters
On Saturday, he was released from the hospital in the town of Parata.
“Napo arrived in a good body image. He could go, wash her. During Peruvian Navy Port Jorge Gonzalez.
The fisherman ran out of the San Juan de Marcona but the conditions of a bad and loss of time.
Its small or a radio of Beacon, stopped on high seas.
“My Father has seen,” His daughter says Naph says RPS radio station. “We are, a family, never hope to find him.”
His father, Leyla Torres Napa, which is directed to RPP radio broadcasting to celebrate his birthday, he passed through the sea, According to BBC.
“The day of his birth is special because he is a small cookie in the sea, so it is important for us and has blasphemed.”
The Republic / Handout by Reuters
The Nab is up to the months of another person who lost the sea for a long time. In October, Russian Pichgin was rescued After spending more than two months continued in a small wicked boat at Okhotsk coast, the beach of Russia. He said she survived The war in a cold shooting and drink. Pichugin, 46, is defined to view whales and older brother and older-year-old. But the machine’s machine closes up to 9.
In 2023, he was the Australian navigator was saved by two months losing the ocean with his dog. Tim Shadown, 51, and his Bella dog fly from Mexico to French dreams when the boat is broken and cut off from the world.
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