Look for most recent Contacts meet? Click here for today’s connectionsWe also have daily daily answers for New York Times Mini Crossword, Wordle and Stuzles.
Contacts: Sports edition Today offers several interesting categories. Read the answers and answers.
Contacts: Sports printing is now not beta, making a debut Super Bowl SundayFebruary 9th. 9. The faithful players of the game will continue to perform sports and sports journalism on sports-based journalism. This NT games do not appear, but now it appears in its own manual. Or you can play it online.
Read more: NYT CONNECTIONS: Sports edition comes from the riddle
Tips for today’s connection: Groups of sports
Four tips for today’s contacts: the error of the sports publishing, a cruel group (sometimes astonishing) pink group.
Yellow Group Hint: The teams deal with him.
Green Group Hint: Lone star teams
Blue ball hint: Star dbs.
Purple Group Cheint: Turn the radio.
Answers to today’s contact: groups of sports edition
Yellow Group: Conditions for competitions.
Green Group: Texas college teams.
Blue group: Names of the hall of fame.
Purple Group: Music genres but in a sporting sense
Read more: Wordle Cheat page: The most popular letters used in English
What is the current connection about: do you have answers to sports?
Recomposes: Sports printing chamber until March 1625.
Yellow words in today’s connections
Topic is the conditions for competition. The four respondents are cup, invitation, series, and tournament.
Green words in today’s connections
The topic is Texas College teams. Four answers are fights, bears, bacteria and Longorne.
Blue words in today’s
The topic is the name of the hall of fame. Four answers – Cham, Dion, Ron, and Troy.
Pink words in today’s connections
Theme is musical genres, but in a sporting sense. Four answers are a large dance, swing, rock lecture and the lotten jazz.