Sci-Fi Thriller Epic Flop returns to life on Tubi tubi

until Robert Skuchi
| renewal

If you’re one of those people you think Kianu Reeves can’t make any mistakes, you may haven’t seen it. copies– One of the unintentional imaginary scientific films that even John Wick himself could not save him from some deaths. With a plot that has more holes in the old pair of the old sole that you refuse to leave. copies Is Sloppist SCI-Fi Triller I have ever had, which is a shame because it is very capable of having the highest level of wrong comedy if it has not tried to play it directly.

Have you ever watched a movie you feel stuck in the wrong genre?

for me that movie copiesand you can broadcast the address on Tubby if you want to know what I mean.

A progress that breaks quickly


Kianu Reeves Role of William Foster in copiesand the kind of mad scientist who has devoted his life to finding a way to transfer human consciousness to Android. Using the same type of transparent screen technology that Tony Stark is flying MCUWilliam standing with his latest failed example, Subsion 345. He believes he is close to progress, William will be tempted to treat the example that instinctively kills yourself during awakening, but his employer, Byoni, is ready to spray the project. Mideldic.

By knowing what he spends at work at work, his life will be similar to the local front, William takes the weekend for his wife, Mona (Alis Eve), three children, Emily Elin Lind, Matt Mattan and Zoe (Aria Liubu).

As expected, the boat’s journey makes a terrible mistake. copies Because William’s family is killed in a car accident before they can never go by ship.

alone with its Clonies


First William’s family copiesBut there is a clear moment (read: crazy) when he thinks about the failures of the subject 345, and suddenly he has reached four new bodies that need to be revived.

And how can William decide whether he can successfully make his body a copy of his body? It steals all the very expensive and unhealthy devices from Bionenin. William Jerry-Rigs is now working on its basement, and three clons with a car battery just to remember that he has four dead family members who need to revive them. William, whose name is from a hat, is deteriorated by his moral and moral composers, when he is tempted to work, he decides that he has drawn too short metaphoric fabrics and is left to be destroyed.

William has succeeded in renovating the rest of his family, decides to have “solar members” copies of Mona, Sophie and Matian, so they have no memories with Zoe with awareness. Meanwhile, everyone is sitting there in Bayonin, moving their thumbs, asking where William has gone because he has not shown himself physically in a few weeks and really need to know where he is with all his humanity with a cybernetistic.

it should have been a comedy


copies He has an immense pain in playing live, and I was shouting on the television to be funny. All elements for the quality of the errors are only stable under the Earth’s surface, but they have been drowned by seriousness.

William’s deficiency in playing with his dead family has landed completely if his character like Christever Lloyd Dock Brown return to the future Francois or Rick Sánchez Rick and Morty.

The idea of ​​a crazy scientist who takes into account the moral effects of what he tries while the shareholders turn off at his door when he tries to put his copies in the pultk machine so that no one knows what he is doing. sci-Fi A triller and an effective comedy if I have to burden.

Or even better, he forgets to hide Zoe’s body and explain to the rest of his family that the dead girl is lying on the ground room of their living room, because she has forgotten to download her body from the garbage dump.

Unfortunately, this hypothetical situation that I only compensated for my own time. copiesand we will remain incompatible corruption in a story that has little meaning or has no meaning.

You can stream until you write this article copies For free on Tube.

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