Star Treck: Depp Space nine painful actors by rebuilding the most brutal planet

until Chris Snelgrov
| Published

In the depths of his heart, many Star Trick fans wish to have their own Galaxy edge… A way to move into the world of “new world worlds” and Starflit stars. But, one of the icon actors in Depspeess Not He added that producers more or less more producers. did Create one of the most brutal planets of the show here on the ground, which causes the cast to even more than their characters. The planet Cardasia IV, and after shooting the scenes for the first show of the second season “The Homecoming”, actor Kira Nears Nana, a visitor pointed out that the location of their solidad canyon “Kardasia IV is finished because it is like hell.

the real kardasia IV

in Depspeess Not The “Return home” ring, Kira collided to rescue a friend of Bajran in a notorious prison camp in Kardasia IV. The Kardass are equal to the performance with the Nazis…Among them and their universe’s reputation because of becoming a bad prison, the audience understood that Kira had cut her to her with this untrained traditional duty. But in real life, taking pictures of Solidad Canyon meant that visitors to Nana and other actors had to be aware of more practical threats such as snakes and bees, all of which dealt with the heat that puts the caves of fire on shame.

Surprisingly the heat is last Something that the producers were worried when they talked about shooting the scenes of Kardasia IV. In fact, they were much more worried that the cast and the team would get bites, so they suggested that everyone bring some sea air (this will remove the painful knife of a bite). But as producers warn of bees, bees, knives, and snakes, it was the heat that ended the torture of both guests and actor O’Brien Colm Mini.

As he remembers, “I and I have been sick to our stomachs.” “We were seriously asking whether we were going into the heat prosperity,” a visitor said. This made the shooting of Cardasia IV scenes completely unfortunate, but the visitor maintained a joke about everything, then insists that Solodad Kanion was a complete place to take pictures because the nature of Kardasia’s hell is holding itself.

While shooting the scenes of Kardasia IV for The Homecoming, the actors who hated Hit were hoping that they would not see Sulidad Canyon again. Unfortunately, they didn’t get their dream: because the producers loved him very much how the cannon appeared on the screen. is One of the most amazing places of the show, they ended the scenes there for the fourth season of “Indiction”, the fifth season Episode “The Ship”, and the Episode 6 “Rocks and Shoals”

In those episodes, Sulidad Canyon was used to describe other places, not Cardasia IV. Unfortunately for the actors who are participating, Solidad Canyon has still kept the heat that has made it a complete place for a Kardasi prison camp (in the universe, these are foreigners oh really Love the heat). The worst of the situation is that the heat was actually worse than the subsequent episodes, such as “returning homes,” which made this one of the most helled hellic places in the history of shooting Star Star Tria.

if you still wish you can move into the world Star Tribethis story of changing Solidad Canyon to Cardasia IV may convince you on the contrary. He had the high heat that the Kardass loved and people hated completely. More, more, let’s be honest…Who can enjoy a heat rocket heat of pipes when the temperature rises?

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