Kim Kardashian under fire for an intelligent pose with Tesla robot

Kim Kardashian It faces major reactions online to pose warmly with a Tesla robot and electronics.

Fans attacked the shooting, many accusations of misreading the room between the room Elon Musk-The company’s recent controversy.

The reaction comes after Kim Kardashian indicated that she gets married when she is “fourth-root” after admitting that “secret” is a love relationship.

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Kim Kardashian with Tesla pose

Mask’s products were very popular among Hollywood stars and Kardashian, the founder of Skimes, is particularly one of its biggest fans.

Real TV star left on his Instagram account on Friday evening to post amazing photos of his recent photography. Full Magazine.

In the Snapchat, Kardashian poz on the back of an electronic car, while others embrace a Tesla robot.

A special picture of the languages ​​in version, the mother of four children and Tesla robot lying on a mattress next to the ocean.

Kardashian put his head on his chest area and put one of his legs above himself when he fully performed the robot for the robot.

He wrote it under the picture and tagged the photographer Stephen Klein.

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Fans call Realt TV star in the shooting

On social media, fans came down with weight on Kardashian, and many asked questions about the arsons behind the shooting.

“Strange. I thought you were interested in civil rights, so you did all the things of the law school.

“You can always find the money that Kim Kardashian is there,” while the third pointed out that “it’s very shameful for your life and soul.

On the X, which owns a musk, someone wrote, “This billionaire is serving Shizo (now). After all these years, all these children, he still shows himself as to influence and refer to the dystoppine.

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Another person who looked at Kardashian and made a comment, saying, “Damn, I really can’t believe it will go down to this.

“This reminds me of the post that women have sex with robots by 2025,” an X user wrote.

Another fan added: “He pushed 50 (by the road)… embarrassment.

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Kim Kardashian was driven by a policeman while driving

Kim Kardashian on SNL50: The Anniversary

Kardashian has long been a Tesla fan, often seen driving private cars, including e-commune.

Once, while driving his electronic car along the Pacific coast, he managed to take little time with the law.

According to his information TMZthe Reality star was dragged by police because the windshield was very dark, it was a violation of California cars.

According to reports, the mother of four children has been treated for the violation.

This was not the first time Kardashian was dragged by the police of the Calabasa in 2013 for the same number.

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Kim Kardashian refers to marriage

Kim Kardashian at Vanit Fernite Oscar 2025
Crash / Emjispace / Mega

Kardashian, meanwhile, has referred to her plans to go through the hole again, after she was married three times before.

In the latest episode of The Kardashians, the businesswoman has shared the marriage for a “fourth” period after admitting that “secret” is a love relationship.

Kardashian’s ex-husbands are Diamun Thomas, Chris Hamperi and Kani West.

The conversation came as he and his sister Chloe attended the wedding ceremony in July 2024 in Anant Ambani and Radika businessman in Mumbai, where he asked what the engagement ring would be for his fourth and final marriage.

“I’m surprised what’s the shape of my next episode?” Kardash asked, according to Daily Mail. “For the last and last horse.

This comes after he admitted in a January episode that “secretly” has a relationship with someone. It is unclear whether he plans to marry again or just hope he will do it.

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He claimed that his ex-wife, Chris Hamfriz, regained his engagement ring.

Kim Kardashian at Met Gala / Mega

Elsewhere in the program, “continuously with Kardashians,” Alums spoke about various engagement rings and revealed that which his ex-wifes had taken back a ring after divorce.

“The number of one cushion was to cut the cushion, 14. Qarat,” he said. “It’s still there.

The second episode of the 18-meter cut was cut from Loren Schwartz, which was reportedly worth about $ 2 million. But he couldn’t keep him as he asked him to return before he ended their 72-day marriage.

“I didn’t leave him,” he said in his performance. “I was pregnant with the north, I still marry him. And to separate, he said I had to give the ring in my divorce – that I bought it.

The third ring of Kardashian was cutting off the cushion from West. “It was the only piece of jewelry that I owned that I didn’t take to Paris,” he said.

The Reality TV star, famous in 2016, was subjected to a theft attack at his Paris hotel in 2016, and has since stopped wearing his expensive golden pieces in front of the public.

Kardahisan also said he would keep the ring for his eldest daughter, North, because it was there for the fiancé.

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