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Iran Electronically Women To Find Strong Action, UN Saying

Iran increases the electronic examination and people to show women who do not oppose the law, an United Nations. The Friday report came found.

The findings of the Special Islamic mission of the Islamic mission come after the past year is the subject of the country is responsible for the The death of Mahsa Armin. His death was given to the nation’s arguments for the national and violence of people today, despite the threat of seat and prison.

“Two and a half years after the protest started in September 2022, women and girls in Iran,”

“The government is increasingly increasingly active in the tribal to introduce business and individuals in the formation of Hijab.”

Iran’s mission to the UN in New York did not respond promptly to apply for the results of the 20-page report.

In him, write Un researchers and how Iran relies on electric view. Between the work is the Iranian owner using “a woman’s aircraft” to monitor women in public places. At the University of Anirkabir, the Hosts entered the software on his entry entry if the women do not wear Hijab.

Browse camels on the great Iran’s main roads also believe in finding free women. UN speakers said they received Iran’s police officers sent by Iranian police.

“Users can add the location, time, and the license plate scale of the vehicle found in violation of the Hijab command rules.

The text messages led to bad situations. In July 2024, the police said the woman says he had received a check at the Caspia ocean.

The death of Amini in the light of protest and the security match was killed over 500 people more than 22,000 more than 22,000. After mass expressions, the police have called on the Hijab Hijab, but increases from April 2024 under the subject of the owner – “month”. At least 618 women have been arrested under the UN plan, UN researchers said, says the human right person’s right man in Iran.

At that time, Iran gave the minimum 938 person last year, with three reductions from 2021, and the UN said. While many sentences were convicted of drug payments, reported to the administrators “indicates the nexus and the restrictive of the present.”

“This is listed with the powers of the disease for the death penalty and managing fear and equipment to prevent political languages ​​and small people.

In Iran is ongoing on Hijab, it will also be on the economic problem on us that it is going to travel a nuclear program. When we had a president Donald Trump for new transactions, Iran did not return to a letter he sent to his 85-year-old alphabet. The absence of society, joined with economic dreams, to maintain concern for the Iran’s subject.

Participated in this report.

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